Creating a trust is one thing, but whether it’s serving as an individual trustee or advising a corporate fiduciary, overseeing the administration of a trust requires a unique skill set. For generations, Niles Barton attorneys have served as trustees for numerous family and legacy trusts. They are keenly aware of the responsibilities and pitfalls of trust management and are familiar with the state and federal laws regulating same. Importantly, Marylanders do not always stay in Maryland, and it is common for our fiduciary attorneys to understand the laws of other tax-favorable jurisdictions both in regard to clients and trust beneficiaries. To the extent a transfer of trust situs or decanting is appropriate, Niles Barton will offer that guidance.
Given the depth of experience in charitable and non-charitable trust matters, Niles Barton attorneys are well suited to advise banks, trust companies, and nonprofit entities in their various fiduciary capacities. Niles Barton’s corporate fiduciary clients range from local to regional to international financial institutions.
In addition to administering private asset trusts, Niles Barton attorneys frequently advise charities, private foundations, and other nonprofit entities. Niles Barton takes pride in the number nonprofit boards on which its attorneys serve. In that vein, our fiduciary counsel frequently extends to those agencies as well. advise and serve on boards for various charitable institutions.